The last audiences saw of Hannah Horvath, she had just been accepted into the Iowa Writers' Workshop. After a tumultuous third season of Girls, her career-life was beginning to take proper shape. And, her friends? Well, the gang's still together. Hannah and Adam, however, were pulling a conscious uncoupling before conscious uncoupling was in goop. Fortunately, that lil' will-they-won't-they question can be put to bed (no body harnesses needed).
Pictures from the set of the fourth season of Girls have surfaced showing Lena Dunham and Adam Driver acting all cute and couple-y. However, it's important to acknowledge that this could just be Dunham and Driver romping around as Dunham and Driver. Hannah doesn't seem like a black-UGGs-in-the-spring kind of gal after all. But, knowing Miss Horvath, this could be some kind of totally ironic statement against the man.
Stay tuned: Next week, Shoshanna will be spotted with a Cronut bun on her head while wearing a rat T-shirt.

What does it meeean? Let's speculate.