We've been fans of photographer and blogger Brooke Williams for years now — from her days at Domino (the O.G. version!) to her appearance in our very own feature on fabulous women in their 40s, Williams has always impressed us with her statuesque beauty and killer creative eye. So, of course we were thrilled to get the deets on beautiful Brooke's skin and hair routines on Cup of Jo.
Joanna Goddard interviewed Williams as part of her new Beauty Uniform series, which unpacks the beauty products and philosophies of gorgeous women who Goddard admires. We were super-intrigued to learn Williams' secret to feet that always feel like they've been recently pedicured (Bag Balm) and hear about the oil that helps shape her "crazy natural afro."
Behind the ins and outs of what Williams puts on her skin, there's a refreshing, balanced approach to beauty that the photographer is passing along to her daughter, Ada. "What I've tried to do is define beauty as a holistic state, rather than a set of physical features. Beauty comes from the inside, from how you treat people...from being strong and confident and generous." That said, Williams isn't against having fun with hair and makeup — and she has the blue toenails to prove it!
To read more about Williams' head-to-toe routine and what makes her feel the most beautiful, click on over to Cup of Jo. (Cup of Jo)
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