It looks like all the Girls reality tours that have been popping up around New York lately might have to make a bit of a detour.
When we last saw Hannah Horvath, the aspiring scribe had to decide whether or not she would leave Brooklyn, her gal pals, and her boyfriend to attend the prestigious Iowa Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa. Well, it looks like Hannah's headed to the Midwest. Earlier last month, Girls helmer Jesse Peretz told Vulture that the cast and crew will in fact be shooting scenes for the upcoming season in Iowa, but remained cryptic on the exact nature. He did reveal that The University of Iowa has turned down the show's requests to shoot on its campus, but nevertheless, it looks like Hannah Horvath is going back to school.
An intrepid subway sleuth only confirmed our suspicions, after they spotted a real-life Girls season 4 script on the New York City train and told Page Six all about it. According to the source, the script was being read by the show's casting director Tony Behringer, whose name was watermarked all over its pages. What the amateur gumshoe saw was a scene in which Jessa and Shoshanna are FaceTiming with Hannah while they're in New York and she's away.
This writer admittedly stopped watching the show midway through the third season because it was getting rather stale. Hopefully the change of dynamic and scenery will inject new life into what was once a thrilling 30 minutes of television. (Jezebel)