As the great philosopher Beyoncé once said, girls run the world. And, never is that more true than during a girls' night out. The storied, booze-fueled tradition has been helping women cut loose for centuries. (Or, so we imagine.) Well, it seems actress Elizabeth Banks knows a thing or two about a good GNO (and its next-day consequences) thanks to her latest movie Walk of Shame. The flick follows her character through a disastrous morning after that can only be described as a completely hilarious nightmare.
So, as part of our celebration of the movie's release, we picked Banks' brain for the perfect playlist to get the party started. She also decided that every woman-about-town needs a soundtrack for the next day — so, if you find yourself doing the dreaded walk of shame, we've got you covered. And, so does Beyoncé.
For A Girls Night Out:
For A Walk Of Shame: