Game of Thrones has taught us not to get too attached to our favorite characters, but this latest development is ridiculous. Last week we met Ser Pounce, the future King of Westeros Tommen's cute-as-a-button pet cat. Unfortunately, an HBO rep has confirmed to Vulture that the royal feline will not appear on the remaining six episodes of season four.
The good news: At least Ser Pounce's extended hiatus isn't due to an untimely death like so many other characters on the show. Ser Pounce does appear in books four and five of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, so we're still holding out hope that the cat will come back. Just not the very next day. Now for the bad news: There's only six episodes left?! Doesn't it feel like Game of Thrones started just yesterday? The idea that we only have six weeks left before waiting another whole year for season five is a tad soul crushing. Thank goodness for The Leftovers. (Vulture)