In case you haven't noticed, we're just a tad eager for the June 6 premiere of The Fault In Our Stars, the big-screen adaptation of John Green's 2012 YA novel of the same name. Maybe it's because we're ready for a film that doesn't involve teens killing each other, falling in love with vampires, or moping around in yet another dystopian society. Or, maybe it's because we just need a good cry. Either way, we'll be in line opening night.
This weekend, when you're stocking up on tissues and eye drops at the drugstore (you'll need them), be sure to grab the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly. It's the one with our new favorite onscreen couple, Gus and Hazel, on the cover. Otherwise known as Ansel Elgort and Shailene Woodley.
“Shailene has become Hazel to me. Ansel has become Gus," Green, who was on set nearly every day, says of the young stars. "The feeling I’ve had consistently is this deep weird joy.”
Alas, we'll have to wait until the issue comes out on Friday, May 2, to get our fill of behind-the-scenes news. In the meantime, we'll just admire this dreamy cover. Are these two lovebirds cute or what? (Entertainment Weekly)