Why You Might Be Totally Wrong About Your Skin Allergy

BeautyStock_012714_0856Photographed by Amelia Alpaugh.
When a product makes our skin freak out, we typically don't think twice before tossing it unceremoniously in the trash. But, according to The Telegraph, all skin meltdowns are not created equal. The question: Are you just a little irritated or having a full-blown allergic reaction?
The answer may not be so clear because even the word allergy itself has us scratching our heads. It's thrown around a bunch, but, technically, an "allergy" is when you have a reaction that involves the production of IgE antibodies, which cause an inflammatory response in the body. Not pretty.
So, here are the basics: If the irritation goes away once you rub the stuff off your skin, it's simply an irritant. If the reaction lasts — or if you get a similar occurrence with products that have the same ingredients — it's likely allergic.
Still a little confused? Head over to The Telegraph to figure out your situation. The more you know... (The Telegraph)

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