Out of all the gowns to sashay down the carpet at last night's Met Ball (and we do mean sashay — with all the bustles and tulle, it was almost as if Scarlett O'Hara was the evening's host, not Anna), the one that got the most chatter was probably Sandra Lee's. Featuring two saddle bags of satin and a gauzy train big enough to require its own $15,000 seat, the dress was matched up with elbow-length gloves, Disney Princess hair, and Mick Jagger dance arms, which didn't make for the most modern-feeling look of the evening.
However, tone deaf it was not. Made custom by Lee's friend Dara Lamb, the dress pays homage to Charles James, the theme of this year's Costume Institute Gala. One particular creation by the honoree, from 1949, sports a similar sweetheart neckline, a draped skirt, and a massive bustle. Given that, Lamb's invention was packed with history, and we give props to Ms. Lee for doing her homework. Though, we'd suggest ditching the gloves and going for a more up-to-date up-do next time.