Celebrate Mother’s Day With Rdio’s Khaleesi-Inspired Playlist

Daenerys1Photo: Courtesy of HBO.
It's almost time to shower your mother with flowers, spa treatments, and brunch buffets just to let her know how much you love her. That's right, everyone: Sunday is Mother's Day, the one day a year when you get to pamper your mom without her making you feel incredibly guilty first. Just make sure the festivities wrap up before 9 p.m., though, because not even the woman who gave you life can eclipse Game of Thrones.
The woman who gave life to dragons, however, well, that's a different story entirely.
If all mothers are to be celebrated this Sunday, then why not include our favorite fictional moms as well? Topping the list is Khaleesi, who raised three beautiful, healthy dragons at the end of season one. So, while the scaly little guys have seemingly entered their terrible teens, the Mother of Dragons is growing as a parent on a weekly basis, so it's only fair that she gets her very own playlist as a gift that says "Khaleesi, we appreciate you." The list of dragon songs comes courtesy of the online music service Rdio and can be found below for your streaming pleasure. Now, how do you say "Happy Mother's Day" in Valyrian?

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