James Franco Reminds Us All He Can Act, Too

The last few times we've written about James Franco, it's been to tell you about raunchy selfies, creepy texts, and naked Seth Rogen. That's why it's with great joy that today we get to write to you about James Franco the movie star.
Don't get us wrong, we're just as fascinated by James Franco the oddball meta-performance artist as you are, but sometimes we like to be reminded that the boy can act, too.
Today that reminder comes courtesy of the first trailer for his upcoming thriller Good People. In the film, Franco and Kate Hudson star as a down-on-their-luck couple who stumble upon a dead body and a whole lotta cash. If watching movies has taught us anything, it's that random bags of money that aren't yours are very bad news. Here, the bad news comes in the form of an icky cop played by Tom Wilkinson, and a sinister man in a suit played by captivating French actor Omar Sy.
Will Franco and Hudson keep the money? Or will they be doomed to a life of eating caviar on a yacht in the south of France? You'll have to wait until later this year to find out.
For now, enjoy the trailer and take comfort in the fact that despite his many off-screen shenanigans, James Franco the actor still exists.

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