Have you guys heard about this tiny, little movie called The Fault In Our Stars? This itty-bitty global phenomenon that is reducing grown people to sopping puddles of emotions? The film has all the fixin's for a major summer hit: incredible fairy goddess Shailene Woodley, touching source material, a true literary romance, and, of course, a soundtrack that'll help shape the emotional resonance of the film.
Front and center is our girl Birdy, who is pretty hard not to love. Her angelic, thoughtful melodies appear twice on the soundtrack (she's the only artist to appear more than once), and the reason why is pretty obvious: Her song "Tee Shirt" is about keeping the small things that we love to remind us of a person who isn't near, and the parts of them which we cherish. Thematically appropriate and also a true acoustic ballad.

And, while we can't say anything officially yet, bring lots of tissues for this film. Feel good tissues. The best kind of tissues.
Don't forget to check out thefaultinourstarsmovie.com, twitter.com/thefaultmovie, www.facebook.com/faultinourstarsmovie, and www.atlanticrecords.com.
The Fault In Our Stars is out June 6, and the soundtrack is available now for pre-order.