Pax & Zahara Jolie-Pitt Make Their Film Debut

1paxPhoto: Walt Disney Pictures.
And, the award for Best Cowering By A Small Child In A Disney Film goes to...Pax and Zahara Jolie-Pitt in Maleficent. Actually, Pax may be doing his best to look like a kid stricken with fear. But, Zahara is just like, "I can't even."
That might be because the figure that's supposed to be frightening the Hollywood royals — who appear as extras in the film — is their own mother, Angelina Jolie. The scene, which you can watch below, shows the fairy-tale baddie crashing the christening of Aurora, much to the horror of the crowd.
The child version of Aurora is played by yet another Brangelina babe, 5-year-old Vivienne. Jolie has said in interviews that her daughter got the role because she could be trusted to not act scared while her mother was in costume. The actress told Elle that Shiloh, meanwhile, "laughed in my face," when offered her own part in the film. Did nobody even bother to ask Maddox or Knox? Or, is ending up on the cutting-room floor the Hollywood equivalent of being grounded? (Too Fab)
Video: Courtesy Disney Movie Trailers.

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