The onslaught of Hunger Games propaganda is upon us. The first installment of the two-part Mockingjay finale hits theaters November 21, but that won't stop the folks behind it from staging a hefty campaign.
Behold, our first look as Julianne Moore as President Alma Coin. Lionsgate opened the digital doors to all things Mockingjay today. Images of Coin, Coin with the late-Philip Seymour Hoffman as Plutarch Heavensbee, and more are available for all to pore over in anticipation for the surefire blockbuster.

Moore's the first of The Hunger Games characters to discuss the film. Her interview highlights her role as hidden District 13's leader, the political importance of the series, and, of course, some Jennifer Lawrence gossip. (Hint: Moore adores her.) There's no actual footage yet, but let's not get ahead of ourselves; there's still six months to go. Even Moore, a Hollywood vet, has been kept in the dark.