4 Sneaky Ways Stores Make You Buy

savemoney_Sandy5Designed by Sandy Ley.
We've all done it: gone out to buy a pair of jeans, and returned with bags of clothes we never knew we needed. So, what exactly happens between our best intentions, and those arms full of impulse buys? Turns out, there's a whole lot of psychology in the business of selling, which Business Insider's Doug Fleener illuminates in an article called "How to sell absolutely anything at full price." Although aimed at retail employees looking to increase their sales, the tips are fascinating to read from a consumer's point of view — these are the little tricks sales people use to make you spend big. So, how to know when you're being sold?
1. The sales person will create anticipation. Look out for phrases such as "You'll love this piece," or "I have the perfect thing for you." Those may make you more likely to buy than a simple "Let me show you this."
2. A savvy seller won't just hand you a product, they'll present it with a flourish. Think of the way a counter person shows you a fancy bag: They'll hold it with both hands, with an open palm, or even display it against their forearm before they hand it over to you. Even if you're not in a high-end store, those little flourishes communicate value, and respect for the customer, too. Uniqlo employees, for example, are famously trained to hand customers their receipts and credit cards with both hands as a sign of respect.
3. A good salesperson gets you to experience the product. Once you've tried on that dress, sprayed the perfume, or slung that fancy bag over your shoulder, it's that much harder to resist.
4. They'll try to make you emotionally invest in the product for sale. A smart salesperson won't tell you the leather on a bag is great, they'll ask you if you can feel how luxurious it is. Once you find yourself talking about how wonderful a piece is, chances are, you're snagged.
These techniques may sound like they're only used in fancy stores, but good sales people employ them at all ends of the retail spectrum. As Fleener writes, "I've seen a salesperson treat a $40 product as if it was priced at $500, and I've seen a salesperson treat a $500 product like it was worth $40. Guess which salesperson sold more?" Try to keep this shop floor sleight of hand in mind to spot the ways you're being up-sold. You'll be way better equipped to stick to your budget — or, if you do splurge, you'll know it was on something you truly wanted, and not because you fell under a savvy salesperson's spell. (Business Insider)

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