It's a big world out there, but we can't cover it all. Here are a few stories you might've missed this week while you were catching up on feline heroes and the elevator scuffle heard 'round the world.
• Over 5,000 honeybees swarmed a London Topshop, apparently looking for a new place to build a hive. The colony was safely removed to the roof of Westminster Cathedral, where it will be cared for by beekeepers before being dumped on Nicolas Cage.
• Everyone should read more better because books make smart. With that in mind, authors Jonathan Safran Foer, Toni Morrison, and George Saunders have teamed up with Chipotle to print "two-minute" stories on the chain's paper cups. Looks like the Pulitzer Prize needs to invent a new category.
• A bouncy house in upstate New York became unmoored and was lifted high into the air before the three young children inside fell out. Two of the children were seriously injured, but are recovering.
• In an effort to combat sexism, French education authorities invited schoolboys in Nantes to wear skirts to class for a day. The initiative, called "Ce que soulève la jupe" (loosely translated as "Lift the Skirt"), was expectedly met with resistance by French conservatives, who are about as hostile to change as they are to peanut butter.
• You know that ice cream truck song that annoys the hell out of everyone each and every summer? Turns out it has super-duper racist roots, in case you didn't hate it enough already.