Being a Hunger Games fan is starting to become a full-time job. You've got Mockingjay Part 1 this November, Mockingjay Part 2 next fall, and now, a traveling exhibition devoted to the film franchise that's hitting the road in between them both. You didn't have anything else planned, did you?
The Hunger Games: The Exhibition will feature costumes, props, and other Katniss-related displays when it tours across the U.S. next summer. Exact dates and locations have yet to be revealed. May the odds be ever in your city's favor. (We just hope Effie Trinket's outfits get their own section.)
Lionsgate Entertainment is also in the early stages of planning a theme park built around the series. Presumably this will involve fairly tame archery simulations and maybe a replica of the chute that sends Katniss and Peeta into battle, and not, say, kids attacking each other while their parents chomp on turkey legs and cotton candy. How tall must one be to pretend-annihilate their pals, exactly? (Entertainment Weekly)