Summer is finally here (woohoo!). And, that means it's time to get all early-Katy-Perry and take your apartment from hot to cold.
For the next two weekends, Uber will deliver one of Quirky’s new Aros air conditioners to any New Yorker who wants one, free of charge. Or, rather, for the price of the air conditioner (300 buckaroos). The promotion will function through the brand’s smartphone app; those wishing to participate should enter the code “UBERCOOL” and request the “COOL” option. This is all going down between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. on June 7, 8, 14, or 15.
It's not the first wild delivery service Uber's offered. Need we recount the Christmas trees and kittens?
If you’re the kind of person who orders in every night and hasn’t tried on a shirt before buying it since H&M launched e-commerce, this might be for you. (Mashable)