We've heard it over and over again: Adding protein is a sure-fire way to make any meal more filling while maximizing nutrition. Science shows the power of (lean) protein is not just another health myth; adding it to your diet improves your body's ability to regulate hunger hormones like ghrelin and glucagon, which help with appetite control. This is all well and good for the meat-eaters among us. But, for vegetarians and vegans — and for those of us who would like to cut down on our consumption of animals — the choices can seem limited.
The secret, though, is to think outside the box when it comes to protein sources. Case in point: The Huffington Post rounded up its favorite morning meals, each of which tackles the protein problem in an unexpected way. (That is, they didn't just throw eggs and lentils on a bunch of breakfast recipes and call it a day.) For instance, their three-ingredient peanut butter pancakes swap traditional wheat flour with its protein-packed alternative: peanut flour. Other recipes incorporate versatile plant-based sources like chickpeas and edamame into some seriously savory dishes.
Click through to discover more scrumptious options, and say goodbye to wimpy breakfasts forever. (The Huffington Post)