New photos from the set of Girls season 4 have surfaced, and from the looks of it, life ain't too sweet for HBO's resident Brooklynites. Now, this is mere speculation — Dunham could be sitting on a crate, having one of those "ugh, mom, really?" conversations, but something about whatever's happening over in Adam World is sounding all the alarms.
Back in April, the first images from the set cropped up on the wires showing Dunham and Adam Driver happily romping around town. They were holding hands and doing their PDA thing. All seemed well in the world of Hannah Horvath & Adam Sackler. Yay, Hannah and Adam!
But, before (maybe) spoiling next season's plot, let's recap. Season 3 ended with them consciously uncoupling; leaving a giant question mark over their relationship status. They didn't breakup per se, but decided to give the whole personal space thing a try. Concrete details — you know, the ones set in ink? — have yet to come out, but who needs those? Pictures are worth a thousand words, right? Well, it might be time to second-guess earlier assumptions that Hannah and Adam consciously recouple in the coming season.

Unless Lena Dunham slipped into a Gillian Jacobs bodysuit, that's not Hannah Horvath Adam's about to kiss. One could assume that he's going in to whisper the secret to constructing meat grinders out of reclaimed wood from the Gowanus, but no one leans in that, erm, seductively. (Though, given Adam's history, he might.) Hydrangeas are, however, said to symbolize an abundance of gratefulness and any feeling that's sincerely heartfelt. Adam's been known to play into romanticism when the time's right. Perhaps he gave them to Jacobs? Maybe Jacobs is playing a female Adam, and that's why she's wearing what looks to be his coat? Or, Hannah and Adam breakup "for good" and Jacobs comes to heal Adam's broken, manly heart.
Man, and things were just beginning to look up for the show's epic love story.