Have you ever found yourself seething over the prices of razor-blade refills? That's exactly what happened to Cheryl Wischhover of Fashionista, after she approached the cashier and was told her three-blade box cost about $20. And, her experience is one that any woman who chooses to shave has experienced — those blades aren't cheap. But, the question is, why do we pay so much?
Wischhover started doing some digging and took a look back at how the razor industry has changed. Men's subscription-based shave clubs have recently begun to spring up all over the place. The first, and arguably most notable, was Dollar Shave Club, which, depending on how many blades you pony up for, can only cost you a couple of bucks a month. And, as Wischhover discovered, these subscription clubs' razors can actually be women-friendly. That's right — you don't need a pink razor (unless, of course, you want one). Click on over to read more about Wischhover's path to shaving self-discovery, as well as her reviews on some of the mail-order clubs. You may find yourself ditching the refill cycle for good. (Fashionista)
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