Internet, Meet Your New Favorite Animal

puppy_embedPhoto: via imgur.
Every once in a while, a cute animal crosses your path, and, without even processing what you're doing, a high-pitched noise comes out of your mouth. It's something that's been unofficially dubbed The Lil' Pup Squeal, and it happens to all of us. Boo The Dog, for example, has been known to make the most macho of macho men fall victim to the Squeal. But now, the so-called "World's Cutest Dog" is facing some stiff competition.
How, you ask? Reddit. That's how. A user by the name of jymlr uploaded a photo of its grandmother's new Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog, and, as a result, a collective aww fell over the entire Internet.
Just look at this lil' pup. Look at them puppy dog eyes! It's a shame innocence must be lost, and we can't keep it sheltered from the terrifying truths. If only the world was a giant fire hydrant, but it is not. There are rules and sometimes invisible fences. From one dog lover to you, stay wide-eyed, dear pup. Reality isn't all that bad.

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