Don't expect to see Malia Obama flipping burgers anytime soon. According to The Wrap, President Obama's eldest daughter, Malia, has landed her first real summer job, and it's far more exciting than the usual minimum-wage fare that most 15 year olds have to slog through during the summer months.
The students at Sidwell Friends finished up the school year earlier this month, and Malia's been spending her free time working as a production assistant on the set of the new CBS sci-fi saga Extant. The show stars Halle Berry as an astronaut who returns home from space and must deal with the life-altering aftermath of her mission. Extant is being produced by none other than Steven Spielberg, who has donated to Obama's campaigns in the past. That connection might explain how Malia landed the plum gig, which saw her help with computer-shop alignments and, according to an insider, "the director also let her slate a take."
Spending a summer on the set of a major Hollywood production is pretty thrilling no matter how you slice it, but production assistants are typically at the very bottom of the food chain. The hours are long, and the job usually consists of doing the kind of leg work that more senior crew members can't be bothered with. That can mean anything from making food to helping with set decoration. We're guessing Malia will be spared from most of the heavy lifting. That being said, to any crew member who plans on asking the president's daughter to fetch them a coffee — do it with smile, okay? (The Wrap)