André Leon Talley Witnessed Kimye’s First “Extremely Long” Married Kiss

Vogue contributing editor and Zappos Couture artistic director André Leon Talley swung by Bravo's Watch What Happens Live on Sunday night, where he fielded as many questions as possible about the Kimye wedding during a 30-second timeframe. The self-proclaimed best dressed guest recounted there was no drama due to Beyoncé and Jay Z's absence or Rob Kardashian ducking out early, to Andy Cohen's chagrin.
So, the host took the segment into OT, and asked Talley to describe Kanye and Kim's first kiss as husband and wife. "It was extremely long, which is always a good sign," he reported. "I would say there was probably tongue engagement," he went on, while making the universal gesture for, "I was over-served and am experiencing the spins." Speaking of, Talley noted that he's looking forward to the next Kimye collaboration/baby, "which will probably be called South or South West." Can't wait for months upon months of direction wisecracks!
One Q remains, though: Why didn't Cohen mention the golden toilet tower? That would've been at the top of our list for ALT. (

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