The worst guy on Tinder has finally been identified. No, he doesn't have a shirtless profile pic. And, no, he doesn't list "getting jacked" as one of his interests. Or, maybe he does — but, his biggest offense is that he's been spoiling Game of Thrones for innocent women everywhere. And, if there's any grounds for losing your Tinder privileges, this is it.
(Now, this goes without saying, but you probably shouldn't keep reading if you're not caught up on the TV series.) His M.O.? He starts things off innocently enough, but then initiates text conversations with his prey in which he divulges the biggest GoT plot twists. In the midst of a seemingly innocent exchange, he'll burst out with something like, "Tyrion kills his father in the next episode of Game of Thrones. Arya dies too." (NOTE: Arya does not die. This guy is just a jerk.)
Naturally, the responses he receives are less than enthusiastic. Women have called him everything from "a demon" to "a monster of the worst kind" to "the love child of Hitler and Stalin." Ouch. But, also, sort of accurate. If you come across this real-life Joffrey while you're swiping — he supposedly goes by Bread Foster — run. Or, rather, swipe left. (Bro Bible)