Jack Antonoff met Lena Dunham online. Can you imagine the resulting Girls episode if he catfished her? Fortunately, he showed up and was, in fact, who he said he was. Good for Lena; bad for audiences. But, not everything can be a plot line.
"I told Lena everything about my whole life [on our first date], because when you really like someone, you want them to know everything about you," he confessed to New York's Jada Yuan. On the first date, though, buddy? He's lucky Dunham's a shameless over-sharer, too.
Nestled between the pages of the Terry Richardson issue is a less-polarizing profile on the fun. guitarist (a.k.a. the brother of R29 favorite Rachel Antonoff). Among his musings on pop music and mysophobia are candid insights on what it's like to date one of today's most important women in Hollywood.
For one, Dunham and Antonoff are self-proclaimed old people. "One time we were at a dinner party where everyone was over 60 and, before we knew it, we realized that everyone at the table had gone outside to smoke pot and they didn’t invite us," Antonoff said. "That basically says it all."
The couple claims to feel more at home around people who are "either coming off a divorce or trying to dry out" than folks their age. Unless you're Taylor Swift, that is, who Antonoff says is "truly the nicest, most interesting person that I’ve met in that [younger] circle."
Antonoff also referred to Swift as a modern-day Joni Mitchell. While that remark is definitely up for debate, there's no denying her place in his relationship with Dunham. The pop star is also good friends with Dunham, and has been long rumored to be making a cameo in the forthcoming season of Girls. Perhaps Antonoff and Swift will form an underground country-pop-polka band that's too avant-garde for even Brooklyn standards. Who knows. Just don't expect any Justin Bieber appearances. That is one person Antonoff said he wouldn't even accept money to hang out with. (New York)