How would you like Sam's story to wrap up?
"It would be nice for Sam to end up in a happy place, because he's always had such a hard time of it. But, then again, I've always kind of enjoyed playing the tough moments — things not going so well is what makes the drama of the show. I just like getting a good, juicy story line."
What was it like always being naked?
"It's funny, I'd done nudity before, so I was used to being semi-objectified, but I've certainly never had this kind of following for it. I'm going to pretend that it's tough to be seen naked — it's part of the business, and it's also kind of fun. But, one thing I'm not going to miss at all is being naked outside at night in the canyons of Malibu. It is so cold. I will also not miss being covered in blood while naked."
What was the craziest thing you did on the show?
"Last season when everyone had zombies was pretty insane. I remember being carried to a cross and tied up — I had to get a body mold made so they could stick a sword in me. That was so nuts. Also, the orgy. We had all these extras who agreed to be naked — we'd never met them before and were working all night with them. Everyone was out of their minds tired and wearing black contact lenses, and that's when things got really crazy. I saw some things I never want to see again."