And, The Most Binge-Watched Show Is…

1Photo: Courtesy of AMC.
Thanks to the beautiful invention that is Netflix, TV fans will never endure the agony of waiting for the next episode of their favorite show again. Well, almost never. But, this instant access has created a cacophony of bingers, who love nothing more than to spend all day on the couch in front of a laptop.
TiVo decided to find out a little more about this binge culture via a comprehensive study. The results were just released, and it turns out that Breaking Bad is the most binge-watched program, with 35% of survey respondents admitting they had gone overboard on the show. Not surprisingly, House of Cards and Game of Thrones followed close behind.
Even more telling is that a whopping 91% of people copped to having binge-watched a show in the past. It's just further proof that Netflix is taking over the world. Now, back to those Breaking Bad episodes. (NBC News)

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