Since my days in Mrs. Drexler's English class back at Shadyville High, I've been taught not to write in the first person. As my writing career progressed and eventually took off (I'm a huge star now), it's a rule that I've broken only occasionally — when a story has been so personal that only my direct perspective could do it justice. This is one of those occasions.
Some of my colleagues will disagree, but David Fincher's film adaptation of The Girl With A Dragon Tattoo is one of the greatest thrillers of our generation. It's dark, foreboding, propulsive, and moody. It also made the incredibly talented, and incredibly crush-worthy Rooney Mara a full-blown star. Unfortunately, the one thing it didn't make was money (at least not by Hollywood's standards). The buzzy adaptation of Stieg Larsson's international bestseller fell short of studio expectations when it pulled in just $102 million domestically and another $130 million internationally.
While most studios would kill for those kinds of numbers, Sony seemed nonplussed. Despite saying at the time that it would move ahead with both The Girl Who Played With Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest, it didn't and it hasn't. The good news for fans is there's still hope. The bad news: time is running out. Sony holds the options for both books until 2015. After that, they belong to the book's original publisher and the author's estate. If that happens, we can kiss goodbye any hopes of Mara resuming her role as the punk hacker Lisbeth Salander, which would be a real shame. She killed it the first time around, and has an Oscar nod to prove it.
There's a feeling I had when the first movie ended, one that I don't get too often. It was something I feel only when something strikes a nerve with me, touches something. It's rare, and it's fleeting. I wanted more. I wanted to see Mara as Lisbeth again and again. I wanted a sequel! Now it looks like that won't happen and I finally understand Larsson's bleak worldview. Life isn't fair.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go dye my hair black. (Buzzfeed)