This HONY Portrait Got A Million Likes On Facebook

10353517_704235116317258_3070207328083278222_oPhoto: Courtesy of Humans of New York.
Since 2010, Brandon Stanton's street-photography social experiment Humans of New York has often made us pause as we scroll through our newsfeeds to read about strangers with great stories. By now, most are familiar with the blog: Stanton stops people on the street he considers interesting and manages to pull some insightful, deep, personal thoughts from them. We don't know how he gets New Yorkers to share such intimate details about their lives right off the bat. But, because of him, we can virtually meet truly impressive individuals, like this lady boss, whose portrait was posted on Monday to HONY's Facebook page.
A teen mom with no support from her family, community, or peers, she independently navigated her way through the job market and rose up to become controller of a small company — and to get over a million Likes on Facebook. (Pictures on the HONY Facebook page generally get anywhere between 70K to 580K Likes, but rarely ever a million.) Of her story she says, "Honestly, I've been waiting to tell that story so long that I told it to a customer service representative on the phone last week. She was nice about it and pretended to care." Well, the people of Facebook care. Read this amazing woman's story on HONY's Facebook page.