Can Justin Bieber be saved? That's the main question in Vanessa Grigoriadis's new 5,200-word New York Magazine piece on the pop star-turned-tabloid fixture. He's not directly presented as a Christ-like figure, suffering through the trials of a boy (now a man) living under society's evil microscope, but the subtext is definitely there. And just like J.C., J.B.'s life was the result of a miracle.
"Bieber was a kind of Immaculate Conception, conceived while [his mother] Pattie was on birth-control pills," Grigoriadis writes while detailing Justin's "gory" childhood in Canada. It was Pattie who uploaded videos of Bieber performing to YouTube, and who relocated to Atlanta with her son when Scooter Braun plucked them from north-of-the-border obscurity.
Justin Bieber's rags-to-riches story is well-documented, but what makes this interview unique are the brief glimpses behind the swag curtain. In past profiles, Biebs is all over the place, playing with various toys (from Rubik's Cubes to Lamborghinis) and antagonizing journalists. In this one, he seems more centered, and his conflicted feelings on celebrity start to emerge.
"Still, Bieber’s head could get heavy from wearing the crown," Grigoriadis begins one paragraph. The crown here is fame, and it's the modern-day teen pop star's cross to bear. But it appears Justin Bieber is ready to admit his past transgressions, repent, and venture into a new phase of his life. One where his notoriety might be used to do good.
And, who knows? Maybe his story will turn into a moral tale. It's certainly being presented as one in this profile. As the wise prophet Beyoncé once said, "I can see your halo." Let it shine, Justin. (New York Magazine)