Looking for love in all the wrong places? Perhaps the Lulu dating app can help.
Lulu's Map of America plots out the characteristics of men (some good, some bad) living across the United States based on the hashtags its fans use in their reviews of bachelors. #WhyDidntWeThinkOfThat?
“There’s a techie flavor to guys in San Francisco (no surprise!) with hashtags like #NerdyButILikeIt and #WorkEthic,” Lulu founder and CEO Alexandra Chong told TIME. “The party boys of Miami generally get hashtags like #AlwaysHappy and #AlwaysPays. And we see the stereotype of the gallant Texan with hashtags like #OpensDoors and #StrongHands.”
There are some stinkers, of course. New York City is home to the #pantydropper type, while the men in Seattle fall under the #StillLovesHisEx category. That D.C. stud may have a #4.0GPA, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't still #HitItAndQuitIt.
At this point, we're just grateful there isn't a version for women (yet). No rush, guys. (TIME)