Come Memorial Day, everyone starts waxing on and on about how incredible beach hair is. But, the truth is, a head full of salt water and chlorine isn't exactly the ideal situation for a lot of women. Which is why Victoria over at xoVain is doling out tips on how to keep your locks from turning into the crunchy, salty strands everyone seems to love so much.
While leave-in conditioner is key to spritz in your mane pre-ocean, Victoria has a genius (and free!) tip: Simply douse your hair in salt- or chlorine-free water. Why does it work? "Your hair is porous like a sponge, and if that sponge is already full of water, it will absorb less of the water you're about to get in," she explains. It's one of those "why didn't I think of that?!" ideas, isn't it?
If you've already stepped out of a body of water and feel like your strands need some SOS, never fear. Victoria has some post-swim tips for you, too. Just click on over to xoVain to read 'em all and keep your hair in tip-top shape this season. (xoVain)
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