Oh, CrossFit...people say you either love it or hate it — but I’m one of those unicorns who falls distinctly in the middle. Back in 2008, when it was still an "underground" workout program, I drank the CrossFit Kool-Aid; I was working up a sweat five to six days a week and loving every minute. Then, I moved states, started a new job, and CrossFit transformed from a passionate affair to a fitness ex — whom I'd occasionally revisit.
I do still like to follow what’s happening over there in CrossFit-world. And, two nights ago, a Facebook post popped up on my feed from CrossFit HQ that had me intrigued: “We are proud to announce some exciting changes and additions to CrossFit's trainer credentials.”
This new structure introduces additional training levels: While a Level 1 certification is still the threshold to start teaching (and is only a weekend course), instructors are now strongly encouraged to expand beyond that foundation and further their CrossFit education. “The goals were, and always will be, to improve quality and rigor,” explains Nicole Carroll, director of certification and training, in the CrossFit Journal.
Sure, CrossFit's trainer education process has already undergone a few iterations in the past. But, this newly revamped program will hopefully translate to improved teaching quality and instruction, making classes safer, smarter, and better overall. I’ve trained at a few different CrossFit boxes and had incredible, attentive instructors who properly scaled weight, understood form, and provided modifications as needed. Of course, as with any type of fitness class, high-quality instructors aren’t a guarantee, and that can leave a client (of any level) at risk for injury. While a lot of CrossFit's Facebook commenters note that the advanced training courses carry a hefty cost, all fitness fields (Zumba, spinning, and so on), charge for their required continuing education credits and classes.
As the CrossFit brand continues to grow, this is an exciting sign that they're committed to demanding a higher standard instead of resting on their laurels. Three, two, one, GO.