There's always talk of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reunion, but that has yet to happen. So, we must focus on what we do have, what is attainable. And, that is this here scene drawn on a napkin.
Do not scoff at this piece of recycled magnificence. It was scrawled by the mighty hand of Joss Whedon himself and posted on his Twitter.
Whedon provided this sketch simply because a fan asked him to, and sometimes that's all you have to do. Besides, it has all the trappings of a perfect Buffy scene: a vampire, Sarah Michelle Gellar in good clothes, a stake, a pun, a metaphor, and what appears to be a glass of water.
That's all you need, right? Sure, some people might want more, but with these ingredients, you can't go wrong.
As long as it's holy water, that is. (TheMarySue)