Watch 93 Movie Dance Sequences In One Amazing Supercut

Our love of dance movie moments is legendary and well-documented. YouTube user Robert Jones, however, may have just proven that his love runs even deeper. This supercut combines 93 dance sequences from movies. (That alone is pretty impressive.) What takes it to next-level, share-with-everyone-you-know (who also knows the prom number from She's All That by heart) greatness is how seamlessly each movie blends into the next one.
Jones pinpointed the exact steps that each number shares with one from a completely different film. Tom Cruise's clumsy Tropic Thunder jig becomes Leonardo DiCaprio's even more awkward Wolf of Wall Street dance. Footloose blends into 13 Going on 30, which morphs into Saturday Night Fever. We greatly appreciate your dedication to the art of the dance sequence supercut, Robert Jones. The Internet thanks you for your service. (YouTube)

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