It's already mid-July. Take a minute to quietly freak out about how summer is slowly slipping through your fingers.
Now, what remarkable, carpe diem things have you done so far this summer? Perhaps you've gone to the beach. Hopefully, you've done a boatload of outdoor dining and drinking. That's just fine. But, have you truly appreciated summer and all it stands for? Have you gone out and grabbed this season by the horns?
No. No, you haven't. The only person who's doing summer correctly is Blue Ivy.

Where you simply put on whatever clothing is least likely to stick to your sweaty skin, Blue Ivy is donning the on-trend outfits. Where you are spending your weekends in your kind-of-air-conditioned apartment, the famous toddler is out making her social rounds in the Hamptons. While you attend your eighth bridal shower of the year, Blue Ivy is spending her free time bouncing on trampolines with Beyoncé or coloring in between swims in the pool. Do we even need to address the difference between the way your hair looks now and Blue Ivy's perfect top knot? We didn't think so.
We recommend you print these pictures out, tack them up in your cubicle, and start summering like you oughta. (E! News)
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