Most of the time, you don't even realize you're doing it. In fact, you're probably doing it right now. For nail biters, it's a constant struggle to keep your fingers out of your mouth. And, it probably comes as no surprise that all that hand-to-mouth contact might not be doing your immune system any favors. Time has the scoop on how nibbling at your nails might up your chances for falling ill.
According to Richard Scher, a dermatologist at New York's Weill Cornell Medical College, you could also be harboring salmonella and E.coli under your nails along with the typical dirt and sweat. Apparently, it's prime real estate for that bacteria to thrive.
We know — your fingers have bacteria on them? Groundbreaking science! But, maybe this no-duh knowledge might be the proverbial light for many nail biters to finally stop gnawing on their digits. Before you start chomping, do a mental checklist of everything you touched and how long ago you washed your hands. Yup, that makes us want to keep our paws as far away from our face as humanly possible.
There are a ton more hazards to biting your nails, so make sure to click through to read 'em all. Need help quitting? We can help with that. (Time)
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