Teacup Pig Gets Rejected By Litter, Befriends Pit Bull Instead

teacuppig-pitbull-embedPhoto: Via @Barcroft TV.
Meet Pigalina. She's a teacup pig who enjoys sniffing things and being the cutest thing we've laid eyes on today. But, you know who doesn't enjoy Pigalina? Her family. That's right: This small drink of magic was rejected by her own kind. Whatever, Pigalina doesn't need them, anyway. She's moved on to bigger and better animals.
After being callously spurned by her brothers and sisters, Pigalina was taken in by Melissa Suko, who owns PIGS Animal Sanctuary in West Virginia. At Suko's, Pigalina met her new best friend, a rescued pit bull named Levi. Per this YouTube video, Levi's interests seem to include napping and letting Pigalina do her adorable thing while he naps.
Can someone get these two in the next Homeward Bound? It's been way too long since we had an adorable buddy film in which mismatched animals go on an adventure. If Hollywood isn't into that idea, we'll just watch these buddies cuddle for the rest of the day. (E! Online)

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