First Look: Nicole Richie Gets Tipsy At The Grocery In Candidly Nicole

Eleven years after The Simple Life first aired — wait, has it really been that long? — Nicole Richie is back where she belongs: on TV. It's about time, too, as we simply can't subsist on her hilarious, totally addictive Twitter feed alone.
Last night, her new show Candidly Nicole premiered on VH1, and it quickly made our shortlist of must-watch summer shows. Between the online-dating mishaps ("Why isn't he texting me back? Where is the gun emoji?"), parallel-parking woes, and Uber adventures, the entire episode hit eerily close to home.
If you're already jonesing for the next show, you're in luck. Our friends at VH1 gave us the very first look at next week's episode, where Nicole and her little sister Sofia head to the grocery store and...well, you'll just have to see what happens next. Let's just say there's more than a little wine involved. Check out the clip below.
Candidly Nicole airs Thursday nights at 10PM ET/PT on VH1.

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