Oh, to have been a fly on the wall at the Mad Men series wrap party — err, parties. Christina Hendricks tells Vulture that after filming ended, the cast "partied for a week straight." That sounds about right for the Scotch-swilling hedonists of Sterling Cooper [Draper] Pryce. Except, it wasn't at all the Don's-journey-into-the-inferno-of-California ecstasy trips one would imagine.
The non-stop party was more of a singalong, really. "We're all surprisingly into musicals. There was a lot of singing of Little Shop of Horrors, 'Defying Gravity' [from Wicked], and a little bit of Frozen. I wish we were cooler," Hendricks says to Vulture. Um, we happen to think musical sing-alongs are (to quote Outkast) even cooler than being cool (ice cold!), and that reference is even more apt when Frozen is involved.
Hendricks also reveals a surprising vocal superlative. "John Slattery is a very good singer...He never talks about what a good singer he is, but then he'll just open his mouth, and he's quite good." Is anyone else getting visions of Little Shop of Horrors reboot with Slattery as the dentist and Christina Hendricks as Audrey? Ginsberg (Ben Feldman) would make a great Seymour. Call us, Hollywood; that's all we're saying.
Unfortunately, there's no video from the blessed Mad Men event, but we like to imagine it looked a little something like this. (Vulture)