Lorde is not some no-frills interviewee, as the Guardian's Peter Robinson recently learned.
“I would mock you for being clumsy," she tells Robinson early on in a recent interview. But, the veteran music journalist was as unfazed by her as she apparently was by him.
Robinson's time with the feisty young pop star, despite having "all the hallmarks of an interview from hell," involved him watching her eat a plate of fried chicken while batting down his "base-level" questions, as she puts it. That's a good thing, as it makes for a much richer conversation than the music press (and stars' publicists) generally allows.
Lorde offers him some soundbyte-worthy bits, though. On Facebook photos, for example: "I’d look at people who’d cropped their face out of a larger picture, so I’d click on the picture and it would just be a tiny square in a black box....I’d see the tiny picture in the black box and I’d think: ‘This person just can’t do their PR very well.'"
She also discusses her favorite Wikipedia page, on glass delusion, which afflicted King Charles VI of France. "Visually it’s really appealing to me," she says. "I love the idea of a king being scared of sitting down. It combines a lot of things I like."
Both of those things offer some insight on Lorde herself — hyper-aware of her image, and of her own fragility.
Read the rest of the interview here. (The Guardian)