I'm a professional...
Image maker.
My website is...
My current social platform of choice...
Instagram @mrbradgoreski.
Right now I am wearing...
A three-piece Dsquared suit.
I am responding to this Q&A on an...
The very last thing I bought was...
A lavender Givenchy suit.
Sneaker of choice...
Air Max.

The book on my nightstand is...
I own this many pairs of shoes...
I love to brag that this item only cost this much...
I don't love to brag.
My secret shopping destination that no one can know about is...
If I tell you it won't be a secret anymore.
My travel-bag game...
Carry-on only.
The item that I have had the longest in my closet, home, or life is...
An Alexander McQueen polo I bought in the late '90s.