What are you working on right now?
"I just wrapped Pitch Perfect 2."
Did you enjoy shooting it? Was it as fun as shooting the first?
"The first one for me can't be topped. There was just something super special about making it. This one was definitely a different movie. A different director directed this one. It's a totally new vibe — but it's really awesome. I think people are going to really love the movie."
What kind of physical preparation did you have to do for Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2? How much time goes into prepping the song and dance sequences?
"For the first one we shot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and I was there for about a month and a half before we actually started filming. I was there learning the routines, learning how to sing a capella. We weren't dubbed or anything on the tracks — that was actually us. It definitely took a lot of preparation to get everything just perfect. Just pitch perfect! [Laughs.]"
Did you enjoy the dancing element, or was that more of a challenge for you?
"The dancing is easy, actually, for me. I went to the School of the Arts in North Carolina, and I took a lot of dance classes there — a lot of tap, a lot of jazz. I love dancing. We had an amazing choreographer named Aakomon Jones — he actually choreographed the second movie as well. He had a lot of patience with us!"

Do you live in L.A.?
"Yes! I'm a Southerner who moved to New York right after college. And, then I moved to L.A. because I got True Blood. I've lived here for about five years now, and I love it. It's a beautiful place to live!"
What are some of your favorite spots in L.A.?
"I love the east side of L.A. There's an amazing Mexican restaurant called Malo that I adore."
What are your favorite health spots around town?
"There's a great juice bar called Real Raw Live that I go to all the time. Oh! And, there's an amazing vegan restaurant called Flore that I love."
What's your go-to karaoke song?
"I do a good Lisa Loeb 'Stay.'"
Who is the one actor who's caused you to crack up the most on set?
"Michael McMillian, who plays my ex-husband on True Blood. He's hilarious. I've lost it a few times during takes thanks to him."