Etsy’s latest headlines aren’t limited to “19 Hilarious (And Creepy) Drake Items You Can Actually Buy On Etsy,” and “The 8 Weirdest 50 Shades of Grey Products on Etsy.”
Come August 5, the online bazaar will formally launch Etsy Wholesale, a program that links sellers to brick-and-mortar shops. During its two years in beta, Etsy Wholesale placed 1,500 sellers’ merch at Nordstrom, West Elm, and tinier outposts alike. Next week, the site “is introducing a pricing model whereby its independent designers and artists will be charged a $100 one-time joining fee to sell merchandise in stores and boutiques, as well as a 3.5% transaction fee on each purchase order,” explains Forbes. But really, giving the independent artists an opportunity to go mass before Urban Outfitters rips them off: Priceless.
Chad Dickerson, Etsy’s CEO, told the trade, “In a world where 90% of retailing [still] happens offline, you have to have some kind of offline strategy.” And, he added, “We can connect you to one million active sellers around the world and 26 million active listings.” Forbes notes that Dickerson didn’t dismiss the idea of an Etsy store (including, presumably, Drake and 50 Shades of Grey sections). Your move, Regretsy. (Forbes)