We've been doing lunch breaks all wrong. Turns out, office workers in China know where to spend a quality hour (or two) off the clock. At IKEA. Yes, apparently the Swedish superstore has been nap central there for a number of years. "Customers" have a habit of taking lengthy rests on the furniture and in the beds. They even surf the web while kicking back — shoeless. A video even caught some sleepers in the act.
We can't say that we blame the rogue snoozers: The chain has some A-rate beds. And, apparently it's totally fine with the impromptu siestas, permission it shows by having employees change the sheets daily. From a marketing perspective, this trend is a testament to the products' quality. So, next time you're dozing off at your desk, consider taking a drive to the big, blue store for a quick cat nap on a MALM.
Click to page two for the video.