“Normal Girls” Is The Anthem For You & Your Granny Panties

It's so hard to define what it means to be normal. Yet, it's pretty easy to tell when something is not normal. The shiny, perfect tresses in every shampoo commercial? Not normal. Someone wearing a black dress that has no lint or fuzzies on it? Impossible. Who are these super humans?
The Backyard, a UCB comedy group, is asking these same questions. In a new video, the troupe pays tribute to all the ladies who are normal. The normal girl sometimes takes her birth control pills and is almost always broke. She wears a T-shirt to the beach, because she has a normal body and doesn't feel comfortable wearing a string bikini. And, you better believe her pubic grooming is inconsistent at best. Check out the video below. You — and your granny panties — are not alone.

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