I generally try not to make references to Disney princesses in articles about beauty, but this one is fitting. Remember that time when Ariel tried to brush her hair with a fork? She might have been on to something. That is, if this beach-wave technique that Fashionista wrote about has any merit — and considering Oscar Blandi himself recommended it, we have a feeling it might actually work.
Rather than suggesting you sleep in braids, Blandi recommends twirling wet hair around a fork like spaghetti and then setting the coils with a diffuser. The author of the Fashionista post tested it out, quickly learning that one needs a full-size fork instead of a salad fork to prevent tangles. Her verdict? She says she ended up with "some really lovely waves."
Head on over to Fashionista to get the whole scoop (forkful?) on this technique, and let us know if you'd try it. (Fashionista)