Apple recently jumped on the Silicon Valley bandwagon of releasing an employee-diversity report. The results are less than inspiring. In keeping with other technology behemoths like Yahoo, Twitter, and Google, Apple's staff breaks down along gender lines to roughly 70% male and 30% female. Of that 30%, the majority of female Apple employees work in the non-tech sector of the business.
In addition to the disproportionate gender breakdown, the report also revealed a lack of racial and ethnic diversity, although Valleywag points out that Apple's numbers are some of the more "progressive" in the Valley.
The silver lining here comes in the form of a statement the company's CEO Tim Cook released along with the report. "Apple is committed to transparency...As CEO, I'm not satisfied with the numbers on this page," Cook said. "They’re not new to us, and we’ve been working hard for quite some time to improve them. We are making progress, and we’re committed to being as innovative in advancing diversity as we are in developing our products."
Not only is the company taking measures to amend the diversity imbalance, it is an active sponsor of the Human Rights Campaign and the National Center for Women & Information Technology. The first step is admitting you have a problem, and we commend Apple for doing just that. (Valleywag)