What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Exercising

IMG_4822_JensIngvarsson copyPhotographed by Jens Ingvarsson.
Here at R29 Wellness, we aim for a healthy balance of "extreme moderation" — that means kicking back and kicking things up a notch. While skipping the occasional workout receives our stamp of approval, if it turns into a permanent hiatus, there are a few important things to keep in mind.
If your training classes have come to a full stop (probably thanks to a few crazy weeks at work, that cruel mistress), you might notice more of an overall change in your body. Research shows that after a two-month period of regular exercise, people lost about half of what they gained in strength after two months off. Luckily, studies also show that the longer you've been habitually active, and the more fit you are, the slower the decline.
Or, maybe you didn't quit at all, but switched exercise styles, taking up yoga after your boot-camp class package ran out. It's not workout infidelity — but, your muscles will be engaged differently. So, if you're used to a lifting regimen, a few weeks off in exchange for some quality time on the mat might mean you have to do some back-tracking when you do return to the weights. The plus side: Now you've got another type of class to love.
Click through for more details on what happens when you take a breather from your regular training routine — and how to get back in the fitness game safely. (Women's Health)

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