As we near the tail-end of summer, you'll hopefully start to see (and feel) fewer days with face-melting high temperatures. What more reason do you need to exercise outdoors? After all, it's only a matter of time before the winter chill sets in. Even if your favorite workout is indoor cycling, that doesn't mean you should stay gym-bound. Here are a few pointers on how to transition to riding on the roads.
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One of the first things you'll notice when you head outdoors for the first time is that, hey, this bike moves! That alone could be enough to send you into a panic, especially when you remember that your shoes — and therefore the rest of you — are firmly locked into the pedals. (You don't have to use clip-in shoes, but wearing them helps increase the power of each revolution and helps keep your feet from slipping.)
Related: The Best Yoga for After a Bike Ride
One tip for this indoor-outdoor transition? Please, do not listen to music. We love a good gym playlist as much as the next guy, but plugging in while exercising outside can drown out traffic — and whatever else you might run into not notice because you were too busy skipping ahead to your favorite track.
Click through for more tips on how to make the leap from studio to road. (Shape)
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